Briefcase File DelloPlast with 10 Hanging Folders
COD: 0317
Briefcase File DelloPlast with 10 Hanging Folders (cópia)
COD: 0317.X
Briefcase File DelloPlast without Hanging Folder
COD: 0318
Briefcase File DelloPlast with 10 Colorful Hanging Folders
COD: 0319
File DelloColor with 6 Hanging Folders DelloPlus
COD: 0320
File DelloColor with 6 Hanging Folders Assorted
COD: 0321
File DelloColor with 6 Ecologic Hanging Folders
COD: 0322
File DelloColor with 6 Colorful Hanging Folders
COD: 0328
File without Hanging Folder
COD: 0329
File DelloColor with 6 Kraft Hanging Folders
COD: 0330
Stackable Storage Box
COD: 0331
Stackable File with 6 Kraft Hanging Folders
COD: 0332